(Guest Blog) 10 Grammar Rules Every Worldschooled Kid Should Know

Written by Chistina El-Ahmar

  1. Beginning and Ending Punctuation
  2. Paragraphing
  3. The Parts of Speech
  4. The Sentence and the Fragment
  5. Subject, Verb, and Object Forms
  6. Verb Tense
  7. Punctuating Dialogue
  8. Rules and Uses for Commas
  9. The Apostrophe & The Dash
  10. The Semicolon and the Colon

Suggested Reading and Resources:

  • Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynn Truss
  • The Power of Grammar by Mary Ehrenworth
  • The Elements of Style by E.B White and William Shrunk
  • Sentence Composing for Middle School by Don Killgallon
  • Discovering Voice by Nancy Dean

When it comes to writing kids need to care about what they are saying. They need to feel a sense of purpose that sharing their stories matters. Everyone has a story to tell, and everyone’s voice is important. The sooner they understand this, the sooner they will take pride in becoming writers. Grammar should be taught not as a list of rules, but as a means to make writing meaningful and powerful. Therefore, Grammar should be taught to children through Story-telling and Narrative. Explain to kids the “Why” of Grammar and then demonstrate its power in writing through examples.

Ex. Why is Harry Potter a World Favorite? How does the author use her writing? Explore the structure of writing in favorite novels.

Southbank, London

Southbank, London


The Face of Rejection (updated)

Most adults, including myself, have the same fears: fear of public speaking, fear of rejection, fear of failure, etc.

I'm not sure how and why it happens. Recently, I've noticed that my son is beginning to lose some of his fearlessness. The ability to go up to anyone and ask anything without fear of rejection.

Not sure if this is some biological instinct that gets triggered at the age of 10. Maybe it's an instinct to be careful of adults because 10,000 years ago another male adult would have taken your bison meat and stolen your wife. Again, I'm not sure.

But, what I am sure, is that I don't want my kids growing up fearing rejection and failure.

So I devised a little experiment to teach my son about rejection. Something I'm too scared to do myself. Obviously, because I don't want someone to take my bison meat and steal my wife.

I took my son for a walk around the cafes in Fulham and told him to go up to random people that he found interesting and ask them to take their portraits. His initial reaction was, "No way!" I asked, "What's the worst that could happen?" He replied, "They can say no." We discussed this possibility and agreed that that wasn't a big deal.

We agreed to a script: Hello sir/madam! Do you mind if I take your portrait for a project I'm doing?


At least they were alive and in person. Next, I told him that he needs to take pictures of people he doesn't know and he must get up close and personal. I showed him how by taking his portrait.

He went around and asked eight people to take their portraits. Four happily agreed and four said no. When he came back, I asked him how it felt to be rejected. He said, "It was no big deal." 

We went out a couple of days later to take some more pictures. We repeated the same experiment. The only thing we added was they needed to ask the person they were photographing for their name and a piece of advice.

Alan. "Never speak ill of anyone" Played in the FA cup 3rd Division 

Alan. "Never speak ill of anyone" Played in the FA cup 3rd Division 

Didn't speak English.

Didn't speak English.

Robert. Refugee in world war two. Described the war as terrible. "take every opportunity that you get" & "Get a good education"

Robert. Refugee in world war two. Described the war as terrible. "take every opportunity that you get" & "Get a good education"

After Yusuf didn't want to take any more pictures,  Sulafa was taking some random pictures of flowers and a father and daughter asked her to take their portrait. We rushed to the local print store and printed them a copy of the photograph. 

street photraphy w kids 034.JPG


Where is that Smell Coming From?

Outside the Malt House in Fulham

Outside the Malt House in Fulham

If you have one or more of the following "odors" something is rotting somewhere:

  • Your outlook filing system is more air tight than a submarine
  • You have meetings to discuss meetings you have yet to have
  • You don't argue with your colleagues during team meetings
  • Nobody from your actual team does any talking during the "team" meetings
  • You can't tell your manager he is an idiot
  • You have no idea where you stand with your manager
  • Your power point slides are prettier and more uniform than the Queen's gardens
  • There are no white boards
  • Nobody has lunch together
  • There are layers and layers of fat between the team and real clients
  • There are no Nerf guns or flying helicopters

Jiro Dreams of Ultraman

In the enlightening documentary, "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" Jiro explains that his secret for becoming who he became was that he follows the same steps everyday and tries to get a little bit better everyday.  This is the approach i'm taking to Ultraman UK 2014.

The core of my training is a consecutive thee day training block every week where I do a long stead swim one day, followed by a long steady bike ride the next and a run on the third day

For each of these consecutively longer sessions, I follow the same script as the week before, wearing the same clothes, eating the same foods. I'm trying to improve just one thing for each discipline each week.

The training log


  • Lite breakfast. Just a handful of dates and water
  • What I wear: Nike, Underarmour shirt, Nike runner shorts. Asics Shoes, Compression socks
  • So far I have not been eating during the run (up to 150min). Need to change that. Perhaps adopt the MDS fueling strategy. Run 45 minutes walk 15 minutes and eat during the walk.


  • What I wear: 3/4 bib, underarmour cold weather gear, bike top, Giro helmet
  • What I eat before: Big smoothie for breakfast
  • What I eat during: Date, Banana, Cinnamon, Almond coconut milk (300 cals/hour)
  • What I heat after: 250ml innocent smootie
  • Fuel goes into the tri bottle holder water goes into fuselage
  • How often do I eat: every 15m


  • Goggles: Aqua Sphere Kayman
  • Fueling: SiS gel every 30min.
  • Fueling after: Coke if swimming in a lake

Homeschooled Children Smell Like Salami

I have seen it over and over again. Some well intentioned person asks my children which school they go to. They respond, "We are homeschooled." To this, the person looks at them like they were raised in a leper colony and says "Oh! that's interesting." Interesting is another way of saying, "Why are you ruining these poor children?"

The term "homeschooling" is a loaded term. It's usually synonymous with weird or socially awkward. It's for kids who don't wear matching socks and smell like salami.

So I tried an experiment, I told my kids next time they are asked which school they attend, they are to answer, "We are Worldschooled."

That evoked a very different "Oh!" A much more positive "Oh!" Usually followed by, "So where have you visited in the world?" This does two things: It makes the kids really proud and it forces the questioning parents to think, "Crap! I need to take my kids on some trips."

I propose we dump the term "Homeschooling" for the much more accurate and infinitely cooler, "Worldschooled."

What is Marmite?

The artist: My daughter

The artist: My daughter

lessons I've learned working in London for the past 8 years. 

  • When you are asked "Good weekend?", they actually don't want the details of your weekend.
  • Don't get too excited when somebody tells you something is "Brilliant." Everything is brilliant.
  • Pants = Underwear. So don't say, "I've been lazy and have been wearing these pants all week". Not good. The correct word is trousers.
  • Don't be overly nice to a Brit when you meet them they will wonder what you want from them.
  • Also, don't tell everyone your life story when you first meet them.
  • You don't do Europe.
  • Ibiza is prounouced IbiTHA.
  • Tea is dinner.
  • Marmite is nasty.
  • Don't get all hurt when somebody disagrees/debates with you at work. It's just part of the culture.
  • Getting a coworker to come over for dinner may take 10-15 years.
  • They butter both sides of sandwich. Still can't get used to it.
  • It's holiday not vacation.
  • They take their holidays very seriously. You will not impress a Brit by saying, I haven't been on holiday in 6 years.
  • Muppet = Idiot.
  • It's very annoying when a Brit mimics an American accent and says, "Awesome." It seems to amuse them though so don't say anything.
  • Don't talk about America all the time. It's annoying.
  • Don't develop a fake English accent. It's also annoying
  • Brits don't wear undershirts.
  • Never, ever wear your blackberry or smart phone on your belt. That is equivalent to high treason.
  • Get used to army time and DD/MM/YYYY
  • Say no to Khakis.
  • First stop when you get off the plane is to TM Lewin for the 4 for a 100 deal. Paul Smith and Thomas Pink come later on.
  • Embrace cuff links.

What is the difference between working in New York and London(v.02)

Disclaimer:  These are gross over simplifications. All based on my personal experience in a specific field. I have spent half my 15 year career working in NYC/NJ and the other in London.

"Lazy Husband" Fulham, London

"Lazy Husband" Fulham, London


  • Value trustworthiness above all.
    If you ask about someone, you will hear something like "He's a good guy"
  • Far more entrepreneurial spirit
  • Nicer but faker
  • People will violently agree if they don't agree then talk about you behind your back


  • Values cleverness above all else
  • Far more cynical. (Why is this person being so nice to me, what does he want?)
  • Think they are smarter and the US agree with that.
  • Debate is part of the culture
  • People in the U.K. fall into line more

What Dexter's father taught me about being a father (un-edited)

One thing that always stuck with me after watching Dexter is the idea of a code. Dexter's father, noticing his son's homicidal tendencies and thirst for blood, created a code for him to live by. 

While my children are not Dexter, this idea really resonated with me. What is the code I want to leave my children with? What are the non-negotiable's?

Over the past couple of years, I have been refining the code depending on the kids' weaknesses.

  • respect your mother
  • Character is king
  • tell the truth
  • travel
  • no TV

How to Have Zero-Family-Guilt Long Runs (v.01)

 have been trying to incorporate my children (10 & 6) into my training for this year's Ultraman.

One thing I have been doing for the long runs is taking my six year old daughter along. So far we have managed to do this for up to two hour runs. This is how we pull it off. This works so well, that I needed to share it.

What you will need:

  • Scooter
  • A parent that doesn't mind getting "looks" from people
  • Something to tie to the scooter to pull. I have used a neck scarf and now use a body elastic weight band.
  • A child that would rather be outside than in.
  • Helmet for the child!
  • Running book bag
  • Chocolate cake 


  1. Plan out a run route that has long sections of pavement without the need to cross the street. The Thames path is perfect in London and running along the Hudson is perfect for NYC.
  2. Plan the run so that you can finish near a cafe so you can have some cake and hot chocolate.
  3. Bring a snack, water, and clothing options. During this past long run, we learned that it's not wise to run through a puddle :)
  4. I tie the body elastic band to the scooter and basically run. I have about 5 feet between us. 
  5. Communicate when you are stopping, turning left, or right.
  6. Expect a couple of spills, but that is normal.
  7. Don't use any headphones, the point is to be together and talk. It's also not safe.

The Positives

  • You can do your long runs without feeling guilty.
  • You get to have memorable moments with your kids while training.
  • It makes the long runs much more enjoyable.
  • Adds resistance. 

The Negatives

  • There is a lot of start and stop until you get your stride.
  • You will probably need to stop more frequently for potty breaks and snacks.
  • Sometimes they just want to go home.

Abu Dhabi Triathlon (Random Post Race Thoughts) w/Photos

Random Race report

  • 3 km / 1.8 mile swim
  • 200 km / 124 mile bike
  • 20 km / 12.5 mile run
  • Very well organized. Has the Ironman feel to it. 
  • Pre-Race pasta party was good. Hummus and fruit were a nice touch. 
  • Bike route is too complicated. You should study the course beforehand. 
  • Most of the competitors are doing the short course. Only a fraction(<200) of the 2500 are doing the long course. 
  • Its very hot
  • Bike is flat for the most part but there can be some crazy headwinds
  • Biking on the Yas Marina F1 track is the highlight of the race
  • The swim conditions are very nice. You have to be ready to do the 1.5 km twice which involved getting out of the water running across the beach and jumping in again. 
  • Aid stations are really well spaced. You dont need to carry much of anything.
  • Lots of nice bikes. One rich newbie had a Cervelo p5 and zipp wheels and clip-less pedals. 

Random list of thoughts of things that worked an didn't work

What went well:

  • Profile Aeorobar Bottle Cage and mount worked really well.
  • Simple sugars through out the race
  • Pacing with people on the bike and run was the key. Picked people whose pace I could keep up with and stayed with them. Stayed with Cervelo p5 guy for most of the bike
  • Compact crank was great, Gearing felt perfect all day. Got a great deal on a Sram Red Compact crank from Velo Sport in Putney. The 50 front cassette was brilliant.
  • Counting  was a great way to control negative thoughts
  • staying aero and getting out of the saddle was a great way to give the under carriage a rest
  • Talking to people on the Run really helped. Pacing will be key in Ultraman UK.
  • Got the whole bike checked a great bike mechanic(Marsin) in Velo Sport in Putney. He found an issue in the rear wheel hub that was adding resistance as well as the reason the bike saddle kept on falling down. 
  • Packing the bike 2 days before leaving alleviated some stress. Usually I'm packing the bike midnight before I fly out.

What didn't work too well

  • There was too much pressure on my left arm in the Aero position, this resulted in numbness in my left hand that lasted for almost two weeks after the race.
  • Had terrible soreness in the roof of my mouth after the race. This was so bad that I couldn't dry foods for 2 days after the race. This seemed to be caused  by breathing sand through my mouth for such a long time while biking. This may also have been exacerbated by consuming simple sugars for such a long time. I also had a bad infection in my ear/nose/throat after the race. 
  • ISM Saddle left bad saddle soars. Granted, I have never sat on them for 7 hours before in the Aero position. 
  • Bike fit is not right. Lower/back of shoulder hurt. Back of the neck hurt.
  • Swim was not a good at all. Felt mentally not there. Sighting was not great. Kept on stopping and looking for the buoy's 
  • Back was really burnt. Should have been more careful with choice of clotheing and sun screen
  • Really bad neck rash from wet suit
  • didn't have breakfast, didn't have much energy on the swim
  • Couldn't get the Shiv hydration system to work. Didn't use it in the end. Met someone who taught me how to install it properly. 

20 travel tips for people w/kids

Portebello Market, London

Portebello Market, London

Disclaimer: These tips are based on my own travel experiences. I'm sure not all will apply.

  1. Find a trip that ticks all the boxes. for us, its a trip that involves a race I can do, an interesting city my wife can see.
  2. Its not about the kids, its about the family
  3. Don't buy the kids happiness...give them experiences they will never forget
    • give them a small amount of money and make them bargain for something they want with you hidden around the corner
    • give them the camera and let them take the pictures
    • let them pay for things and count the change
  4. Travel really lite, the less the better. Don't plan for every eventuality plan for the bare minimal.
  5. Tripadvisor/Yelp the place before you do anything
  6. Book an apartment and not a hotel. This way you can make breakfast at the apartment, make sandwiches for dinner and eat out if you want. Airbnb/booking.com is good for that.
  7. Its all about the mindset. Travel is supposed to be hard, the kids are supposed to be tired and you will get into an argument with your spouse at some point. Its all part of travel. If you are not tested in someway, how will you learn anything about yourself. If you dont believe me, ask Ibn Batuta.
  8. Resist the temptation of sending every moment to social media. this means that in order to enjoy the place you are in you need others to see it. 
  9. Travel is about learning something new, talk to locals, have dinner with them. This is the best part of travel. I have learned that talking to locals is far more important that taking a picture in front of land marks.
  10. Say no to a $8k Disney trip. Save money where you can and travel more.
  11. You dont need exotic locations to travel, you can drive 2 hours away and spend the night in a cheap hotel and the kids will never forget it.
  12. Ice cream and sweets are the last resort not the first resort.
  13. Try not to be an ifamily while travelling. Notice the "i" in iPhone, iPad, iMac, etc
  14. The kids will learn character from the parents during travel, they will see how they react to adversity. If you are throwing around "WTF's & Holy #$%^'s" every 20 minutes, they will learn that.
  15. You can travel with young children. You dont need to get it out of your system before you have kids. We have traveled with a 2 week old. They don't know if they are at home or in Thailand as long as their moo cow near by.
  16. Dont buy everyone you know gifts. It wastes valuable time and energy. But if you see that perfect thing in that quaint little store that someone will just love, then you can buy that. Once you get your mom a gift, you will have to get her mom a gift, then there is your aunt, then your other aunt, and what about their kids etc. Resist the urge to splurge on gifts. Buy a piece of art instead. 
  17. Husbands who bring the blackberry with them have made a choice and its the wrong choice.
  18. Learn as much as you can about the place before you go
  19. Travel is about teaching yourself and kids character
  20. Hang-up a map in your living room/family room with pins placed on where you have been. 

Hiring a coach vs self coaching

This is the first guest post on my site and is written by a very close friend of mine, Issa Abbasi (@IssaAhmadAbbasi), who is training for a marathon and eventually an Ironman. He recently made the jump from being self-coached to hiring a coach.



  •  You can easily self coach yourself by pulling off a 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon training schedule off the internet. For Free.
  • To self coach successfully, you will need a lot of determination and dedication to your training plan
  • You need to be a self starter
  • It's easy to alter your training plan for your circumstances if you're self coaching. If it's raining today and you don't feel like running your scheduled run, you can cross train and run another day in the week


  •  Despite the vast amount of reading you've done on running, you most likely aren't experienced enough to coach yourself. Even great coaches don't self coach themselves!
  • If you aren't determined and dedicated to training for a race, you won't get anywhere near your goal finishing time and worse, may injure yourself
  • You won't have someone who is experienced to turn to for added motivation, analysis of your progress, or general advice
  •  You won't have someone to hold you accountable for your training regimen
  • It's easy to fall off your program if you're not a self starter

Having a Coach


  • ·    You have an experienced runner/triathlete guiding you through your training assuring you are on target to meet or exceed your goals
  • You have someone to help guide you to maintain proper form (running, swimming, biking)
  • Coaches are one of your biggest supporters; they want you to succeed beyond your wildest expectations and will keep you motivated throughout your journey
  • There's someone there to hold you accountable on a weekly basis of your journey
  • A good coach will be there to answer questions you have about your training and race strategies
  • You will receive feedback about how to constantly improve and maintain your performance from your coach(remember, their job is to see you get better and better at your sport!)
  • Someone else will plan your weekly training for you! All you have to do is execute what they plan


  • Coaching comes at a price. Be prepared to pay a decent monthly fee for the level of service you need in a coach
  •  Be prepared to be critiqued. Not every coach is a constructive one and will thus give you a lot of "real talk". You'll need thick skin and to want to constantly improve to have a successful relationship with your coach.
  • You do whatever your coach says. They're the captain steering your ship towards your goal and it's best to only have one person steering it. If you don't like being told what to do, being coached isn't for you


How to be an Ironman and Have Your Wife and Kids Still Love You

Incorporate kids into your training.

For example, the week before the Pilgrim Challenge I found a way to take my daughter (age 5) along for my runs. Disclaimer: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!! I tied a scarf around my wrist and the other end to her scooter and basically dragged her through the streets of London. She had a blast, she was flying. Sure, she fell a few times but no harm done. The best part? Our chocolate cake break!  

My son (age 9) is old enough to accompany me on his bike. We've done up to 21 miles this way, me running and him cycling behind. As long as I keep him carb-ed up, he doesn't want to stop. 

Don't forget the baby! i just finished 100 squats with the baby strapped to me in the baby carrier. He laughed the whole way through, thinking it was some sort of game, while I did my parental duty and took care of the little one for a bit. Not to mention the extra 12 lbs helped my workout. 

We also choose events that are in locations we want to holiday in. That way it's a win win. We plan the year in advance, choosing the destinations that appeal to us and dates that fit our calendar. 

Pilgrim Challenge in Pictures

The Pilgrim Challenge is a 2 day, 66 mile Ultra that follows the ancient North Downs way. 

The North Downs Way was once trodden by pilgrims heading for Canterbury and travelers bound for Dover and the Continent.

Finished the pilgrim challenge today. Random thoughts...

  • I quit before I even started. Wife forced me to go to the race.
  • Felt like I lost my mojo on the first day. Thought about quitting a lot
  • Prepared the night before. Obsessed over whether I should run with a pack or run with a cycling jersey
  • was very thirsty the first day. Didn't carry water and aid stations were every couple of hours
  • Stuffed dates worked really well on the second day
  • Didnt take in enough calories
  • learned about some cool races: Bhutan, Kalahari, Cambodia
  • Shoes were small, killed my toes. 4 toes fell off
  • Hoka's seem to be the new "thing"
  • day 2 was far better than day. Just focused on running from checkpoint to checkpoint
  • There are amazing people at these events. Lady that ran across the U.S.
  • What hurts: left Achilles, upper neck, left itb band, toes(hurt the most)

2012 MDS Race Report - Walk Like an Egyptian (v.02)


It's been over a week since the race ended and it all has become a mish mash of thoughts...and so will this post.

Every morning in the race starts pretty much the same way.  People start waking up with the rise of the sun and start slowly shuffling out of their tents for their morning constitutionals.  The laugher from the French tents starts straight away.  This is shortly followed by a recording of roosters.  It all seems very natural, we sleep when the sun sets and wake up when the sun rises.  You have about 2-3 hours between waking up and the race starting.  Basically you do three things in that time, and the order of these events depends on the person:

  • Eat breakfast
  • Get your morning water ration (3 liters) two big bottles
  • Get your stuff packed up and get race ready
  • I do it in the order above, being that I have enough water from the day before.

During all this, the Berber beduins come by and start taking down the tents.  There will be a lot of “Yalla, yalla, yalla!!!”  This is all quite funny and people rarely lose their temper as their tent gets lowered with them still in it.  TIP: Watch out for your stuff during this morning period.  Things can get “taken”  during this time.  I had no trouble, I had befriended a couple of Berbers the night before when I asked them for the Qibla.  We were on first name basis by the end of the race.

People start heading to the race about 8:30 or so, and it usually starts around 9:10. They never start on time.  TIP: Go early to the start.  The atmosphere is worth it.

The beginning of each stage is proceeded by Highway to Hell.  Patrick Bower sings along in his broken english which always makes me laugh.

Going into the race, I was probably most afraid of my tendons acting up and ending my race.  My plan going in was to “nordic walk” the majority of the first stage and run a little and slowly reverse this proportion by the end of the race to a run-walk.  At this point, I was not planning on placing high, I just wanted to finish.

The start of the race was quite a spectacle, and it was hard not to be over taken by the moment.  There is loud music, people are very very excited and ready to go, and then there are the two helicopters...

They fly very low and side ways in order to record the runners from above.  The whole thing feels like something out of Apocalypse Now.

The race started, and my nordic poles came out.  More than anything, they are a reminder of the plan...I'm going to walk most of the first day.

Coming in the race, knowing that I was going to walk, I decided that I would walk as fast as I could.  I started training for this about a month before ending with a training run/walk from London to Oxford.  I calculated that I could maintain a pace of 8km per hour.  Adjusted for the desert, I could probably manage 7km/hour.  

The first day was about 35 km.  Unlike others, I did not study the race pack, in fact I never really opened it after glancing at it in the bus on the way to the bivouc.  The rest is a blur really.  I do remember the big ascent towards the end of the stage.  It was really steep and there was a drop off on the left side.  I later heard that someone fell off but did not tumble all the way down.  

I didn't eat a lot during the stage.  I had a 9 bar walking into each checkpoint and topped up with Humzingers, sesame snaps, and the occasional Gu.  I also drank water every 10 minutes religiously.  I would never actually drink all the allotted water and by the end of the race, I would take half my ration with me out of the checkpoint.  One thing that I never did is spend more than a minute at the check point.  I was in and out in 60 seconds.  People spend ages in those little black tents.  What a waste of time.  TIP: Don't hang around at checkpoints...even in the long stage...hang out when you get back to the bivouc.

Back to the mountain that never ended...Mount Doom as it later came to be known.  After I reached the top, I was able to see the bivouc in the distance...which is great.  The only problem is that it takes a lifetime to actually get there.  This happened at every stage.  You get excited that you see it...then you get depressed when you realize your children will be married before you get there.

The stage ended, I waved at the webcam, got my small cup of Moroccan tea, grabbed my 3 bottles of water and went off to the tent.  Five of my tent mates were already there, and 2 were still out there.  That is to be expected being that I sped walked the whole thing.   

The interesting thing was that, although I walked the whole first stage, I passed loads of people towards the end.  When we checked our standings I was 350 out of 850.  How was the possible? I walked!

This happened again and again.  The stage would start, the majority would pass me, I stayed consistent, even during the dunes, was in and out of the checkpoints.  I steadily moved up the rankings.  Even when the weather went to 52 C (125 F) the energizer bunny kept on going at the same steady 6.5km/hour.

On day three, I decided to run the last 5 km to see how my tendons felt.  I felt great all the way through.  Had lots in the tank.

The next day was the long day.  The strategy was simple, keep on the formula and run at the end if I felt like it.  I did exactly that and I jumped 100 places.  I was now 235!!



My Diet (v .02)

What i've tried

  • Paleo
  • Vegan
  • 80/10/10
  • Gluten free
  • Slow carb

What it currently is:

  • Modified 80/10/10
  • 80% Fruits/Veggies/Rice/Potaties
  • 10% Organic Meat/Nuts
  • 10% Happy food (Ben & Jerry's, chocolate cheese burgers, etc)

Typical day:

  • Green smoothie breakfast
  • Green & fruit salad for lunch
  • Green salad for dinner
  • + Fish on Saturday
  • + Red meat on Sunday

Lean Sabbatical (v.04)

Random brain dump:

  • I took 6 months sabbatical in 2012 after 15 years at work
  • 2 Parents & 2 kids (8 & 4)
  • London -> Spain -> Morocco ->  Egypt -> London
  • Schackleton approach to packing & Travel
    • 2 bookbags for 
    • All documents on air and ipad and virtual
    • all kids homeschooling material scanned
  • Tim Ferris approach to making it happen
    • asked my manager to pick the date in advance
    • Picked two aggressive goals for myself to keep busy
  • Made travel decisions as late as possible
  • Book two night hotel in a place if we liked it booked a 2 week apartment
  • Dont eat out much. Cook at home
  • Lessons for kids
    • How to negotiate
    • See how the other half lives
    • Character
    • Resiliency


  • Pre-sabbatical
    • How I managed to get six months off
    • What we packed: How did we pack two book bags for 4 people for 6 months? First thing we did was get really big book bags! (INSERT MODELS AND SIZES HERE) Then we took out everything we thought we needed for 6 months, one pile for each person. Then, we halved each pile. When you are looking at two book bags and four piles of stuff, you know you need to keep reducing because there's no way it's all going to fit. We had a firm rule: If it doesn't fit in the book bags, it's not coming. This made it easy to prioritize. Do I really want to spend 6 months with a shirt I don't really LOVE? Or something that looks good but isn't really comfortable? We picked items that could be switched up into a bunch of different outfits. Solids reigned supreme. Items we could layer also had an advantage since they could adapt to different climates. Fabrics that wash easily and don't wrinkle were preferred. We ended up with about 6 items of clothing each after a few cycles of reducing. We knew we would have to get to a washer or wash by hand in bathroom sinks frequently, but for us the advantages and ease of travel that comes with little luggage far outweighed the annoyance of washing. No matter what you pack, you will most probably not go two weeks without washing something. Plus, we knew we would be staying in apartments as much as possible so we would never be to far from a washing machine. As far as shoes, we wore sneakers on our feet and we packed a pair of crocs for each kid. Packing in a deep book bag for four people is organizationally annoying. I worked around this with the help of ziplock bags. One book bag was for the kids, the other was for the adults. Everything was grouped and ziplock bagged with pajamas and immediate essentials at the top.       
    • Go paperless for homeschooling: As part of our desire to remain flexible, we always purchase any books or curriculums as PDFs or MP3s when possible. This meant that our homeschooling library was primed for adventure. There were a few texts and workbooks that we would need while away that were not available online. I simply scanned everything in preparation for our trip. Although it took prep time, it was very effective. Traveling the way we did meant that we didn't have room to carry tons of workbooks and texts. The countries we were planning to visit also wouldn't have such things for sale. By scanning everything beforehand we were able to progress with their studies regardless of where the wind took us. 
    • How we booked travel
    • Starting on the goals ahead of time
    • Budgeting
    • Picking the destination
  • During
    • How we picked where we were staying
    • Getting sick: Build up of stress and exhaustion, 6 cities in 6 days, planes, trains, ferries, and busses, very little sleep all caught up with Areeg once we settled in Fez. We arrived in Fez, settled in, got oriented, had a nice tagine for dinner, retired for the night and Areeg woke up  by 6 AM throwing up. 
    • The art to talking to strangers
    • Budget
    • Buying stuff that we can carry
    • Flexibility (Going to Chefchaouin)
    • Working on the goals: Goals evolved based on opportunities in different environments.  
    • Tutors
    • How the homeschooling worked in practice: Kindle meant Yusuf had a steady supply of books to read even when we were in non English speaking countries. Notebook: each study day notes. Got into a weekly routine of study days and off days. Earned off day rewards through work day efforts. 
    • The plans never work out
    • Learning to trust people. The pothead that saved yusuf. Strangers guiding us up the falls and man following me in morocco
    • The more sanitized the country the less the adventure
    • Crazy Stories
      • Stranded in a desert road in Egypt
      • Deathly ill in Fez
  • After
    • What was the impact on the kids
    • Did i get any impact at work
  • What will I do differently on the next mini retirement
    • hmmmmm
  • References: