Written by Chistina El-Ahmar
- Beginning and Ending Punctuation
- Paragraphing
- The Parts of Speech
- The Sentence and the Fragment
- Subject, Verb, and Object Forms
- Verb Tense
- Punctuating Dialogue
- Rules and Uses for Commas
- The Apostrophe & The Dash
- The Semicolon and the Colon
Suggested Reading and Resources:
- Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynn Truss
- The Power of Grammar by Mary Ehrenworth
- The Elements of Style by E.B White and William Shrunk
- Sentence Composing for Middle School by Don Killgallon
- Discovering Voice by Nancy Dean
When it comes to writing kids need to care about what they are saying. They need to feel a sense of purpose that sharing their stories matters. Everyone has a story to tell, and everyone’s voice is important. The sooner they understand this, the sooner they will take pride in becoming writers. Grammar should be taught not as a list of rules, but as a means to make writing meaningful and powerful. Therefore, Grammar should be taught to children through Story-telling and Narrative. Explain to kids the “Why” of Grammar and then demonstrate its power in writing through examples.
Ex. Why is Harry Potter a World Favorite? How does the author use her writing? Explore the structure of writing in favorite novels.
Southbank, London