The artist: My daughter
lessons I've learned working in London for the past 8 years.
- When you are asked "Good weekend?", they actually don't want the details of your weekend.
- Don't get too excited when somebody tells you something is "Brilliant." Everything is brilliant.
- Pants = Underwear. So don't say, "I've been lazy and have been wearing these pants all week". Not good. The correct word is trousers.
- Don't be overly nice to a Brit when you meet them they will wonder what you want from them.
- Also, don't tell everyone your life story when you first meet them.
- You don't do Europe.
- Ibiza is prounouced IbiTHA.
- Tea is dinner.
- Marmite is nasty.
- Don't get all hurt when somebody disagrees/debates with you at work. It's just part of the culture.
- Getting a coworker to come over for dinner may take 10-15 years.
- They butter both sides of sandwich. Still can't get used to it.
- It's holiday not vacation.
- They take their holidays very seriously. You will not impress a Brit by saying, I haven't been on holiday in 6 years.
- Muppet = Idiot.
- It's very annoying when a Brit mimics an American accent and says, "Awesome." It seems to amuse them though so don't say anything.
- Don't talk about America all the time. It's annoying.
- Don't develop a fake English accent. It's also annoying
- Brits don't wear undershirts.
- Never, ever wear your blackberry or smart phone on your belt. That is equivalent to high treason.
- Get used to army time and DD/MM/YYYY
- Say no to Khakis.
- First stop when you get off the plane is to TM Lewin for the 4 for a 100 deal. Paul Smith and Thomas Pink come later on.
- Embrace cuff links.