Organizational Coaching

- From waterfall to agile product development
- From a project management to product development culture
- From command and control management to self-organization
- From managers to leaders
- From Theory X to Theory Y

Coaching model
- Start with a coffee and conversation
- Strategy & Organizational design workshop
- On-site coaching during the initial change
- Quarterly Follow-up Sessions
- No long term contract required

- I work with the people in the organization as my team. I don’t bring an small army of consultants with me.
- There is no cookie cutter approach. Every organization is different and has its own unique dynamics.
- It’s usually a system problem not a people problem
- Too much change at once is disruptive
Ahmad is one of those rare consultants that truly wants to understand our business and always shows us a great deal of empathy in the process. He continuously challenges us to ensure we remain brutally focused on our mission.
— Belinda Parmar, OBE and CEO of The Empathy Company
— Belinda Parmar, OBE and CEO of The Empathy Company
Listens very well. Doesn’t make stuff up. Wants to make you/team successful first and foremost. Cares passionately about your agenda. Most approachable person I know. Expert at responding in a way that makes you feel that he is genuinely interested in you. Consistently honours trust. No back channel. Values people over things. Because of above is able to get to the real heart of the issue AND get the team to self solve (with guidance). Team believe he is there for them. Networks very well. Good “glue” person
Division CTO-Bank of America
Division CTO-Bank of America
Thanks a lot for your help in mentoring, coaching, and leading our team to adopt the Agile methodology. It is fair to say that I was resistant to change at first but over time and with your patience I grew to understand and embrace the changes as new opportunities. You have a good way with you - honest, open and funny at times which is important. In addition, you also provide good real world examples to support your training which helps us digest and absorb the proposed changes. I love how this change in the work process enables people to be the best they can and also empowers people to do more if they want to which breaks down some of those classical hierarchical structures we are traditionally used to. You persevered and focused on what was most important at the time and in retrospect I can see the pace at which you introduced change was well measured.
Skeptical Development manager at JP Morgan
Skeptical Development manager at JP Morgan